
Fish [singing]: Give me back that Filet o' Fish! Give me that fish! Give me back that Filet o' Fish! Give me that fish! What if it were you hanging up on this wall? If it were you in that sandwich, you wouldn't be laughing at all!

Voiceover: Right now, you can enjoy two tasty Filet o' Fish sandwiches for just three-thirty-three. Two Filet o' Fish for three-thirty-three. Only at McDonald's.

Fish [singing]: Ahhh!
In our market, the whole second part of the fish's song ("What if it were you hanging up on this wall? If it were you in that sandwich, you wouldn't be laughing at all!") isn't even in the commercial; it's just the dumbass thing going "Give me back that Filet o' Fish! Give me that fish!" over and over.

The only time I see it is during Lost. It sends KennyBlogginz and I into fits of laughter as we try to parse it. Why does a fish want a fish sandwich?! And give it back? What—did the mounted, plastic fish run out and buy the sandwich for the guy?! Or are we supposed to think that McDonald's gets the fish for their fish sandwiches from mounted, plastic fish?! Absurd.

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