It's quite cool, actually. If I were a believer in these sorts of things, I might even suggest it's a message from the entity to whom the structure was built, translatable into, approximately, "You really need to get more estrogen up in this joint, folks."
But cool—or interesting, or even beautiful, the other words that came to my mind when I saw the picture—was not the way it is described in the article sent to be my Shaker Kevin Wolf about the breast-shaped shadow. No, it's not cool, or interesting, or beautiful. It's hilarious:
As drivers enter San Francisco via the Octavia Street off-ramp, and they crest the small hill at Haight street, if their trip is timed just right and the sun is out, they will be greeted by one of the funniest landmarks this city has to offer: the two o'clock titty.I can appreciate a chuckle at the irony of the breast appearing on a church, but the notion that this is uproarious, warranting the author to use the juvenile "two o'clock titty" (or some variation thereof) not once but seven times, including naming the shadow "Rose, Our Lady of the Two O'Clock Titty" and noting that 2:45 is "for my taste … when Rose is looking her best," seems excessive. To say the least.
I can guess that the author, one Mr. Josh Keppel, would respond to my criticism by telling me to lighten up, to get a sense of humor, to stop taking everything so seriously, and all the usual tiresome strategies used to deflect womanist/feminist criticism. (And if not him, then there are plenty who would do so in his stead.) In which case I would ask only this: If you had spent a lifetime being routinely reduced to your "titties," do you think you would find it so funny, or funny in the same way?
I'm sure he'll have no problem finding a woman who can assure him that she finds it hilarious, as if that renders my question moot, even though my question was not: "Are there any women who will tell you they find that as funny as you do, and in the same way, to avoid being seen as the humorless hysteric you implicitly accuse me of being in the process of soliciting their opinion?"
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