For a bit of pleasant news today, I thought you might like to know that today is Ada Lovelace Day, "an international day of blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology." The official site is here, MAKE magazine's post on Lovelace Day is here, and Limor Fried, an MIT graduate who runs the open-source engineering site and its associated hobbyist store, where she sells lots of clever kits she's developed, also wrote about it.As did Shaker Electrasteph, who flattered me hugely by mentioning me as a woman who is extraordinary in her field. Thank you, 'Steph!
To take part in Ada Lovelace Day, "All you need to do is sign the pledge, pick your tech heroine and then publish your blog post any time on Tuesday 24th March 2009. ... It's up to you how you interpret the phrase 'in technology'. We're not just interested in hardcore ninja programmers, but any woman who creates, invents, or uses any technology in an innovative way. Feel free to interpret it as widely as you like."
On any given day, my tech heroines could be any of a thousand different amazing women, but on this day I'm going to mention my remarkable, brilliant, and indubitable female co-bloggers: Misty, PortlyDyke, Shark Fu, SKM, Elle, and Erica. I love you, grrls!
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