Courtesy of Kottke, I give you: The McGangBang.
The McGangBang ranks up there in the holy pantheon of WTF. It's a sandwich made from a double cheeseburger and a McChicken sandwich — where you put an entire McChicken sandwich inside a double cheeseburger. It's a creative manipulation of existing menu items, and an exercise in frugality: taking two items off of the Dollar Menu and creating an entirely new sandwich for a total of $2.16. Truly, it's a sandwich that's more than the sum of its parts.See, it's a gang bang because you put CHICKEN with BEEF! That's totally exactly like when a group of men all have sex with a woman!
The post also contains such quoted gems as:
"It's kind of like having a threesome with two ugly chicks. While it's happening you're stoked, because hey threesome!!! But once you're finished it kinda sinks in about what you've done."KLASSY. Yeah, there's nothing worse than having sex with an ugly chick. Unless it's two ugly chicks.
You'll also be thrilled to find a bunch of YouTube videos on the site so we can all relive the intense douchery associated with harassing a bunch of minimum wage employees.
And toward the end of the page, there's THIS brilliance:
Bonus: the Unprotected McGangBangYeah, thanks for that.
There's also an "Unprotected McGangBang" — Urban Dictionary calls it "different than McGangBang because there is a spicy mcchicken instead of a mcchicken."
McDonald's is quoted, by the way. They were contacted by the guys who wrote this all up, and their official response doesn't say anything about it being a totally inappropriate name or anything to discourage its use at a drive-thru:
McDonald’s loves to hear from our valued guests, especially when they customize and create meal combinations to fit their personal taste preferences – no matter how unique!We're glad to serve our customers! Never mind how the woman who is taking your order might feel! She only makes minimum wage, so she's clearly not even human.
Whether it's requesting an Egg McMuffin without cheese or a Big Mac with extra secret sauce, McDonald's is proud to satisfy our customers' requests and provide them with a variety of great-tasting meals every time they visit our restaurants.
Danya Proud, Spokesperson
McDonald's USA
You can contact McDonald's using this form.
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