5. The approximate percentage of every day Deeky and I spend calling each other assholes via email.
Liss: Got a QotD? I'm so out.
Deeks: Lots of shakers own kitties, and puppies. But does anyone own any "exotic" animals? Anyone own a ferret? Piranha? A wildcat?
Liss: Great idea. A QotD that 12 people can answer.
Deeks: Asshole.
Liss: You're the asshole, asshole.
Deeks: You're the assholist asshole in all of assholdom!
Liss: I would be, except for the fact that you're Assholio, the Assholiest Assholitron in the Multi-Galactic Assiverse.
Deeks: Assiverse? Nerd.
Liss: You're the governor of Assachusetts.
Deeks: LOL!
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