Number of the Day

43. The number of feet to which the Red River is expected to crest by the weekend, as Fargo, ND nears record flooding.
Thousands of volunteers who have been piling sandbags for days scrambled to add another foot to Fargo's dike protection... The city of 92,000 unveiled a contingency evacuation plan Thursday afternoon, but at least four nursing homes already had begun moving residents by then.

"A few of them said they didn't want to go. I said I'm going where the crowd goes," said 98-year-old Margaret "Dolly" Beaucage, who clasped rosary beads as she waited to leave Elim Care Center. "I'm a swimmer," she said, smiling, "but not that good a swimmer."
I love you, Dolly.

As many as 6,000 volunteers have endured below-freezing temperatures "in the race to sandbag to 43 feet. Leon Schlafmann, Fargo's emergency management director, said he was confident they would succeed by the end of Thursday."
"I was skeptical as far as volunteers coming out today, but they're like mailmen," Schlafmann said. "They come out rain, sleet or shine."

Schlafmann also said he is confident the dikes will hold even through several days of high water. "We might lose a neighborhood or a few homes, but we won't lose the whole city," he said.
Scary. Shakers in Fargo, as well as in Manitoba and Moorhead, Minn., and other affected areas, I'm thinking about you. Stay safe.

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