Rather than deal with the legitimate questions about the Alexa Foundation's curious decision and his apparent blatant hypocrisy—given that, as Amanda's post pointed out, he'd called an 18-year-old victim of rape and murder "moronic" because she was "5-foot-2, 105 pounds, wearing a miniskirt and a halter top with a bare midriff" when she was sexually assaulted and killed—O'Reilly resorted to his tried and true method of ambushing people to force them into cowering in front of a camera and microphone, hopefully resulting in an on-air segment he can later gloat about. (After all, we all know how familiar Bill is with the concept of stalking and harassing someone, right?)
The Fox crew, at O'Reilly's behest, literally stalked Amanda and ambushed her on her vacation in an attempt to get her to apologize to the Alexa Foundation for her comments. Amanda handled the encounter very professionally, presumably not giving little lapdog Watters any material that they could reasonably air (which doesn't mean they won't air it, anyway). Since the whole crew there is a huge shitpile of cowardice, I can't imagine we'd get any response to Amanda's main point:
The main issue remains: O'Reilly should offer an apology/explanation of why, when a woman is raped and murdered, it's relevant what she was wearing or how much she was drinking. O'Reilly never asked me for a statement nor invited me on his show before sending Watters to harass me. Since I'm a 5 ft, 100 pound woman with an opinion that he doesn't like, perhaps O'Reilly believes I deserve to be treated this way.Amanda has more supporters than O'Reilly might think, and I'm one of them. Her contributions to the blogosphere and keeping everyone (including shit stains like O'Reilly and his little lapdog Jesse) on their toes are what makes Amanda one of the most valuable resources we have in reporting today.
Contact Fox News to let them know you strongly disapprove of O'Reilly's borderline criminal tactics.
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