Apropos of this thread, what part of your body do you find most difficult to manage for modern expectations of public appearances?
Patchy complexion? Ashy skin? Frizzy hair? Lazy eye? Jiggly boobs no bra will hold? Feet that demand unfashionable shoes? Permanent five o'clock shadow? Kudzuesque nose hair? Scars? Birthmarks? Deformities? Fess up.
(I love how that list doubles both as "Things That Are Culturally Unacceptable" and "The Interesting and Beautiful Markings of Individual Humanity." Funny how that works, innit?)
In all honesty, my fat is probably my biggest (ha) breach of public etiquette, expectations-wise, for most of society, even though I ceased giving a shit about my fat ass being a problem for other people a long time ago. Other than that, it's pretty much just my aforementioned melasmas, the brownish spots which you can see on the sides of my cheeks in this picture.
(That was a pic of Spudsy and me, but he didn't want that picture of him posted, so I covered him with my BFF The Hoff.)
ETA: 1,000 points to anyone who's brave enough to show a picture of their "flaws," which are, of course, completely acceptable here and have a real probability of being considered lovely by your blogmistress.
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