What one totally unreasonable thing, for which you have absolutely no need, do you nonetheless rapaciously covet? Bonus points if it's also something wildly unlike you to desire.
Three words: Burberry's Nova Satchel.
I have absolutely no need for it; I don't even usually carry a bag (although I might if I owned this one, lol). It's completely absurd that I should want it, and its $795 (!) price tag makes me choke just thinking about it. Even if I were a gazillionaire, I don't think I could spend that much on a bag, just on principle.
(ETA: I'm not judging someone who would; I'm just a cheap-ass!)
What draws me to it is that it evokes a certain kind of womanhood for me. I associate the Burberry print with visiting my grandmother in Queens when I was a kid, and when we'd "go into the city" (Manhattan), it was the older businesswomen, the ones with the determined step and confident gaze, navigating their ways through crowded sidewalks with one raised eyebrow and an ambitiously-set jaw, who were marked with the Burberry plaid.
I don't need that bag at all (not functionally, and not psychologically to feel as accomplished as those women I adored as a kid), but damn if it wouldn't be nice to own it, anyway.
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