Random YouTubery: Your Wednesday Swashbuckling Chamber Musicians

I was going through some old photos of mine and came across this print of the 24 gun frigate HMS Surprise, taken at the Maritime Museum of San Diego. I was there to see my cousin get married on the 1898 ferryboat Berkeley, another of the Maritime Museum's historic ships. The HMS Surprise is a replica created in 1970 and is best known for its starring role in the Peter Weir film Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. The frigate is now a permanent exhibit at the Maritime Museum.

The ship is quite small inside and I was amazed that they managed to fit a camera crew into such a tiny chamber along with the actors to film this swashbuckling duet scene:

Luigi Boccherini, La Musica Notturna Delle Strade Di Madrid No. 6

This scene is slightly less risible than most movie scenes where actors pretend to play string instruments, as both Crowe and Bettany took lessons. It's still a little funny, but in a cheesetastic way.

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