Note: this is not the bus ad I've seen; I haven't been able to get an actual photo. This comes courtesy of Kiss My Black Ads, a site I'm definitely going to have to be checking out on a regular basis.
Dear Pepsi:
While I realize it may be tempting to use what you consider "hip, edgy, urban" phrases to appeal to what you consider the "hip, edgy, urban" market, you should realize that doing so makes you look like exactly what you are: A multinational corporation helmed by a bunch of white dudes trying to sound like a "hip, edgy, urban" youth. In other words, major fail.
Also, before using such a phrase, you may want to consider the past racist baggage attached when you use a phrase such as "Fo' Sho." You know, just so you don't come off as a bunch of racists. Just sayin'.
No Love,
Paul the Spud
Speaking of appealing to "hip, edgy, urban youth," I really should point out that this ad appears on a bus stop in Chicago's "Gold Coast," one of the wealthiest, whitest areas in the city. Haven't seen it anywhere else. Ahem.
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