…the Obama administration puts up a "A Guide to Getting Through Tough Economic Times," because, as most sentient adults know, financial stressors can create serious strains on individuals, on couples, on entire families—and, as the acting administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Eric Broderick, notes: "By helping people remain resilient, we can help promote the overall recovery of our nation."
And, naturally, the rightwing thinks this is hi-laaaar-ious!
Drudge, who "broke the news" last night features a picture of Mount Rushmore after a rain, in which it appears George Washington is crying, over the headline: "Nanny State: Government website to warn of sadness/crying over economy." Michelle Malkin's post is titled: "The soul-fixer-in-chief is here to dry your tears." Don Surber announces: "We have become a nation of wussies in just one generation." Dr. Helen says: "Apparently, this emotional kit is to help people deal with the stress of the financial crisis. Isn't this kind of like an abusive spouse providing you with tips on how to cope with his or her abuse?"
File Under: Compassionate Conservatism.
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