The city of Gainesville had its local elections on Tuesday. For weeks I couldn't watch my Law and Order in peace, without being forced to watch disgusting commercials from the people supporting something called Amendment 1.
Watch this video [trigger warning], and guess what the changes to the Gainesville charter were.
Answers under the fold...
If you guessed that the law in question legalized child molestation, go to page 12.
If you guessed that the law in question caused creepy men in hats to sneak into the ladies room and touch your daughter, go to page 73.
If you guessed that the law in question meant that businesses in Gainesville weren't allowed to discriminate in housing and employment based on gender identity, you were correct.
That's all it was. A revision to the charter that prevents discrimination. And in the months since it passed, no one went into the ladies room and said it was cool to molest children or watch them pee because they were trans. Even a man who snuck into the ladies room to use his cell phone to take pictures of women peeing didn't try to claim that the change in law made it okay.
Why? Because the change in law had nothing to do with criminal law, and everything to do with preventing discrimination in employment and housing. Period. But just like with the ERA, the people fighting anti-discrimination are obsessed with the ladies room. I wonder what happens when they encounter a unisex restroom. Do they freak out and wet themselves right next to the sign?
Anyway, so they tried to pass Amendment 1, which would have rolled back all those new protections and instead made it so Gainesville only had to comply with the state's more lax standard of nondiscrimination (this pdf has the details of Amendment 1 and all of its effects) and prevent any future additions to local non-discrimination law. And I had my Law and Order time encroached upon with these commercials. And I had to drive to and from work every day past a piece of human-shaped fecal matter with a big sign saying that Amendment 1 was necessary to protect children from sexual predators, which has resulted in me practically straining my middle finger twice a day.
So I bet you're all waiting for the good news, right?
We defeated that fucker here.
Because we're better than that. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
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