Telegraph: Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy in palace encounter.
Guardian: Michelle Obama's fashion face-off with Carla Bruni-Sarko.
The Swamp: Michelle Obama, Carla Bruni 'smackdown'.
"Encounter." "Face-off." "Smackdown." (Smackdown, for fuck's sake!) Why is it, when any two powerful women—especially beautiful powerful women—are in the same place at the same time, the media has to treat it like a grudge match?!
Like Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni, who have no reason to have the slightest bit of animosity toward one another, are going to throw down in the middle of the G-fucking-20, while Angela Merkel yells, "Catfight!"
Honest to fuck. [/disgusted]
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