
by Shaker JMonkey

This afternoon, as I was eating lunch and scanning through my RSS feed of blogs, I came upon a regular feature of Andrew Sullivan's, where he embeds a video that he finds interesting. Some are wonderful. Others, not so much. This time, I should have thought twice, given the title: "Cool (Gross, German) Ad Watch."

What I saw was quite possibly the most disturbing and misogynist ad I've ever seen.


For those who don't click to watch the video, or can't view the video, the ad opens with a wide shot of a shopping mall and then focuses in on two women who are shopping in a lingerie store in a mall. I don't speak German, but the ensuing events are very clear.

They're standing in front of a lingerie bin, and, though they seem pleasant at first, they begin to argue over a piece of lingerie, tugging it back and forth. Finally, one woman slugs the other hard, knocking her down, and then walks off with the lingerie, smiling. But before she can exit the store, the second woman comes up from behind, jumps on her back, and bites off her ear.

Seriously. And it only gets more violent and disturbing from there. Pretty soon, all the women—and they're ALL women—are mercilessly killing each other. The ad ends with a bloodied hand pressing against the glass of the store.

The tag line at the end, which is in English: "Better Shop Online." It's an ad for Jungstil, an German online women's clothing store.

But clearly, that's not the real point. The real point is that women are just a bunch of crazy bitches who would kill for a great piece of underwear. And even worse, it's supposed to be funny. Because, as we've all learned by now, violence against women is just fucking hilarious.

[Assvertising: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Thirty-Seven, Thirty-Eight, Thirty-Nine, Forty, Forty-One, Forty-Two, Forty-Three, Forty-Four, Forty-Five, Forty-Six, Forty-Seven, Forty-Eight, Forty-Nine, Fifty, Fifty-One, Fifty-Two, Fifty-Three, Fifty-Four, Fifty-Five, Fifty-Six, Fifty-Seven, Fifty-Eight.]

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