Daily Kitteh

So, in the middle of the night last night, I was up with a bad stomach, and I see Matilda and Olivia hanging out looking just hilariously adorable, with Olivia wedged into the corner of the sofa, sort of half sitting-up in her humanlike way, and Matilda stretched out next to her, looking like a tubular fluff explosion, as usual. When I put on the overhead light, Olivia rubbed her eyes all sleepily:

—then looked at me as if to say, "What's going on? We're trying to sleep here!"

—and then at Matilda: "Can you believe this shit? Harrumph."

Matilda then rolled over and reached for Olivia: "Just get over here and snuggle me."

Which is when the grooming began.

Followed by a little more muttering about being rudely awakened.

And then, once I was kind enough to put off the Big Light, it was sleepytime again.


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