"Shakesville is a feminist blog, and a feminist's blog. It is a progressive blog. It is a safe space."Dear Correspondent:
Then why do every one of us have to deal with your kitty photos. Start another fucking blog with kitty photos. I am 1) male 2) progressive and 3) not interested in your cats.
Do you think there's others out there just like me? Dog persons? Give the cats a rest. Or I'm done seeking your opinion. The cats got in the way.
I've gotten well over 100 emails from people thanking me for the Daily Kitteh newsbreak and expressing affection for it, which is, quite frankly, one of the only reasons I continue to do it every day—not because I have an insatiable compulsion to post pictures of my cats. (This will explain the remainder of my rationale, which you might have seen if you'd spent less time poking around the FAQs and more time in the Feminism 101 section.) Yours is, in fact, the only email I've ever gotten expressing disdain for the Daily Kitteh, no less threatening to abandon the blog in its entirety because of it.
Naturally, I don't assume that you're the only one who doesn't like it or appreciate its purpose; I do, however, assume that most people who don't like it merely scroll right the hell past it like any other post they don't want to read, instead of demanding that the blog cater to their individual tastes.
I understand that my refusal to acquiesce to your ultimatum means you will no longer be seeking my opinion in future, so I will not waste your time by passing any judgment on you or your request, but I do hope you will allow me to extend you a polite invitation to kiss my ass.
Warmest Regards,
P.S. Although I suspect you did not appreciate the hilarious irony of your quoting of only the first line of this section in the FAQ, which subsequently notes, "We blog about domestic politics, foreign policy, high culture, pop culture, books, film, telly, food, the patriarchy, oppression, repression, religion, philosophy, parenting, not parenting, marriage, cats, why women's trousers have so many buttons, and anything else that we feel like discussing," I want to assure you that I did.
Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.
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