1. Latinas and Asian women are not funny.
2. If you want to be named the funniest woman in Hollywood, your résumé should be chockablock with the most misogynist tripe being churned out of the woman-hating cesspool known as mainstream American cinema—and you should definitely star in a movie where you are raped in a scene played for laughs and, in another scene played for laughs, flashed, which is another sexual assault, and your resultant trauma also played for laughs, the hilarity of which you subsequently defend in interviews, in a manner indicating you haven't the most basic comprehension between consensual and nonconsensual sex acts:
It is the most traumatic event that's ever happened to her, which is funny 'cuz I always imagined that she's probably seen a bit of male anatomy and it wouldn't normally scare her. But I think she uses any opportunity she can to get attention, to draw attention to herself.Your Funniest Woman in Hollywood, Shakers.
I can't stop laughing.
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