OK!: Do you like Michelle Obama's style?Of course he would! Because Tim Gunn is the definitive mentor, who wants nothing more than for everyone to have a good start in this world. Universal healthcare and education is both generous and practical—which is exactly what one would expect from a fabulous mentor. That's how this country can MAKE IT WORK!
I am in complete disagreement with critics who say there's too much skin showing when she wears shift dresses. What are they talking about? It's an arm!
OK!: What would be your first act if you were president?
I would question the trillions of dollars we're spending on the Iraq war. I'd invest in medical care and education for all.
Oh, Maude, how I love him.
Now, if you'll pardon me, I must continue to obsessively detail in my Big Leatherbound Book of Grievances all the ways in which I am not Tim Gunn.
(Last entry under subhead Disappointing UnGunn-ness: #156 My voice does not have the capacity to nourish nest-fallen baby birds with its sheer soothing cadence.)
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