Joe the Dumber

Since the public (more notably, Republicans) still feel that Joe the Not-Plumber actually has something to offer, groups like Americans for Prosperity tap on this schmuck to tell people at rallies why they should be against the EFCA. They feel he's a "role model" who could provide a "working perspective" on the issue.

When Keystone Progress tried to get some answers from Joe at the rally in Harrisburg, Joe came up empty, admitting that he doesn't know shit about anything.

Now that's what I call a really great Republican role model. Way to go!

Next week, Joe will be joining leading economists at a summit to opine on the best economic recovery strategy for America. Let me guess... "I don't care about Republicans or Democrats. All that matters is the best economy for America. Man, am I horny!"

[H/T to Amanda]

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