Charlotte: There's just one thing, and it's small, but it really grosses me out. [other three lean in expectantly] We have a teabag situation.We've got a teabag situation at Shakes Manor, too. This weekend, one of Iain's oldest mates was visiting, and so I had a two-man teabag situation on my hands.
Samantha: Oh, I understand. Just breathe through your nose. [other three look at Samantha perplexedly] When you're sucking his balls.
Charlotte: What?! NO!!! I was talking about—Harry leaves his old teabags around the house!
Samantha: Oh, I thought you meant teabagging! When you hold a guy's balls in your mouth.
[Carrie and Charlotte cringe and groan]
Miranda: Why is it called—? Oh, I get it. Because they hang—
Charlotte: Shh!
Miranda: —and the dipping. [mimes balls going into a mouth, I guess]
Carrie: Oh great. Now I've lost my shoes and my appetite.
Samanta: [takes a bite of her meal] This is very good.
Actual teabags.
[Via Samhita.]
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