"Gov. Sebelius strongly shares the president's commitment to high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans and if confirmed, will work to bring down the crippling cost of health care and expand coverage," White House spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield said after the vote. "We are pleased that she was confirmed by the Finance Committee this morning and look forward to a vote before the full Senate."When Tom Daschle (who later withdrew) was first nominated, I said, "To be perfectly blunt, because there are so many long-ignored issues surrounding healthcare access, research, and treatment specific to women, racial minorities, and/or LGBTQIs, this is the one cabinet position where I really wanted to see a woman of color, preferably queer, with a relevant background." Sebelius still doesn't meet that bill, but she's definitely a step in the right direction.
Sebelius Goes to Senate for Full Vote
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius has won approval from the Senate Finance Committee for a final, full-Senate vote on her nomination as health and human services secretary.
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