[applause and cheers as he takes the mic] Thanks very much. I want to start also by honoring the service of our veterans, our current servicemembers, our Gold Star parents, thank you so much for all you guys have done. [applause and cheers] I also want to say [inaudible], back in 2000, there was a budget surplus in the country [lukewarm cheers], and then the next eight years, it was destroyed by the profligate spending of the Bush administration. [lukewarm cheers and some suspicious rumbling] And here we are today in a situation, here we are today—cheer if you make less than $250,000 a year. Just cheer. [wild applause and cheers] Your taxes are going to be cut under the current budget—congratulations! [grumbling and shouts] I was laid off in September, because my employer had to make budget cuts—that was before the election, okay? [low-level booing begins] So let's remember that if you're going to argue about lower taxes and less spending to place the blame where the blame belongs—and that's squarely in the hands of the Republican Congress and the Bush administration. [shouts, boos, and jeers]
Teabaggers Can't Handle the Truth
This brave blogger took the mic at the Pensacola Tea Party and engaged in a little truth-telling about the current economic situation. Needless to say, it didn't go over too well.
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