We're So Winning

Those are the national numbers from a new CBS News/New York Times poll.
That's up nine points from last month, when 33 percent supported legalizing same sex marriage.
Which illustrates something about which I've written before: Social progress has a point at which it becomes contagious, simply because there are lots of people whose views are shaped by not wanting to be different. As same-sex marriage is legalized in more places, and more people vocally, publicly support it, more people will say they agree with it just because that's the trend. We may be reaching that point.

Note that if support for full marriage equality and civil unions are combined, the total (67%) is nearly 2.5 times the total of people who favor no legal recognition for same-sex couples. That's quickly becoming a radical position—and sheep don't do radical.

*terrorist fist-bumps each and every Feminazi Cooter Cultist*

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