Ms. Brazile has a public record in support of keeping abortion legal. ... She has supported and worked for the election of candidates who support contraceptive practices and abortion on the basis that this stance is pro-woman.Perish the thought!
But the church isn't anti-woman. That's positively— Oh, I'm sorry, what to the who now?
Three years ago, Xavier awarded an honorary degree to President Barack Obama, then an Illinois senator and rising Democratic star with a record for supporting abortion rights, without objection from Hughes.Sure. Or maybe the radar screen just isn't calibrated to detect pro-choice dick with quite the same accuracy it targets pro-choice pussy. Or maybe it's just that three years ago, throwing a tantrum about the still-relatively unknown Barack Obama wouldn't have garnered as many headlines as poking a stick at Donna Brazile, who is from the ninth ward.
But archdiocesan spokeswoman Sarah Comiskey said Hughes had not been aware of the honor to Obama, which came while the bishops' common pledge was in force.
At that time, Francis said, Obama had not announced his candidacy.
"It could be that it flew under the radar screen," he said.
Wevs. Kudos to Xavier for giving Hughes the big shrug he deserves.
[H/T to Shaker Anitanola.]
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