I looked in the laundry room, saw nothing, but did notice the dryer door was open just a crack. I must not have closed it completely after I'd earlier grabbed my jeans.
Daily Kitteh
The cats were missing. I looked everywhere, all the usual hiding spots: Under the bed; back of the closet, behind my pants; in the laundry hamper (one of Kali's favourite spots); on a dining room chair, under the table, out of view; in the shower, behind the curtain (and no, I don't understand it either); under the end-table by the couch; in a window, hidden by the curtains. Nowhere. The cats were missing.
I looked in the laundry room, saw nothing, but did notice the dryer door was open just a crack. I must not have closed it completely after I'd earlier grabbed my jeans.
I looked in the laundry room, saw nothing, but did notice the dryer door was open just a crack. I must not have closed it completely after I'd earlier grabbed my jeans.
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