Maine legalizes same-sex marriage.
Democratic Gov. John Baldacci today signed into law a bill allowing gay marriage, making Maine the fifth state to allow same-sex marriage.Blubbity-blub!
The governor's signature came barely an hour after the measure won final approval in the state Legislature, with a final 31-8 vote in favor in the Maine Senate.
Baldacci said in a statement that while he has opposed gay marriage in the past, "I have come to believe that this is a question of fairness and of equal protection under the law, and that a civil union is not equal to civil marriage."
"This new law does not force any religion to recognize a marriage that falls outside of its beliefs," the governor said. "It does not require the church to perform any ceremony with which it disagrees. Instead, it reaffirms the separation of church and state."
"It guarantees that Maine citizens will be treated equally under Maine's civil marriage laws, and that is the responsibility of government," Baldacci said.
Dr. Judith Chamberlin holds up a text message proposing to her partner Karen Marlin after the Maine Senate passed the same-sex marriage bill today. Marlin's answer was "You bet." (John Patriquin/Staff Photographer)If you can't see the image or make out the text, it reads: "Okay...The Senate just passed the final bill. Will you marry me? Love, Me."
Blub times a zillion.
The law is scheduled to take effect 90 days after the legislative session ends. And, naturally, the collection of fucknecks known all-too-politely as "opponents of same-sex marriage" are "gearing up to mount a so-called 'people's veto' campaign that would put the issue to a statewide vote in November." Teaspoons at the ready.
But in the meantime: Let's dance!
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