From the OMFG Files

Actual CNN Headline: 'Hopeless' dads kill their families out of love, experts say.


I mean, wow.

If you read the article, what "experts say" is actually that men (not "dads"—husbands are not fathers to their wives, but interesting construction there, CNN) kill their families because they are mentally ill.

And I would even take issue with the framing that mental illness is responsible for men seeing their wives and family members as their possessions: No, that's attributable to the Patriarchy, and many men who are not mentally ill share that regard for their families. Mental illness occupies only the space in which culturally-sanctioned possession turns into murder.

Have at it in comments, Shakers.

[H/T to everyone in the multiverse, and thank you muchly to each and every one of you who sent it.]

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