May 6, 2009 · Maine Gov. John Baldacci has signed legislation making the state the fifth in the nation to allow same-sex marriage.Wooooo!
Baldacci, a Democrat, signed the bill Wednesday shortly after the state Senate voted 21-13, with one absent, to approve the measure authorizing marriage between any two people rather than between one man and one woman, as state law had allowed. The House had passed the bill Tuesday.
Republican Sen. Debra Plowman of Hampden argued that the bill was being passed "at the expense of the people of faith."Oh shut the fuck up with your ridiculous, hand-wringing, unfounded nonsense.
"You are making a decision that is not well-founded," warned Plowman.
The article notes that New Hampshire has a bill to send to its governor and if it is signed, Rhode Island will be the lone New England holdout.
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