Several on the list were Americans linked by the Home Office to right-wing extremist groups that promote hatred against racial or religious groups, or against homosexuals.Also on the list: Our old friend Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps. Along with some other horrendo reprobates I won't even bother mentioning.
…The Americans on the list included a San Francisco-based radio talk-show host, Michael A. Weiner, known to radio audiences as Michael Savage, who was described by the Home Office as "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence."
But Michael Savage nee Weiner is the only one threatening to sue the British Home Secretary, even though "Lawyers say it would be difficult for Mr Weiner to bring an action for defamation given that the list was issued with the authority of the British government."
He told his radio audience that he was intending to sue British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, who he described as the "lunatic ... Home Secretary of England".What does it say that Michael Savage nee Weiner can't tell the difference between Britain (aka Great Britain, aka the United Kingdom) and England, merely one country within Britain? It says he's a fucking dumbass, that's what.
"To link me up with skinheads who are killing people in Russia, to put me in league with Hamas murderers who kill people on buses is defamation," he said. In an article posted on his website, he said he did not advocate violence but "traditional values".
He wrote: "What does that say about the government of England? It says more about them than it says about me."
[H/Ts to Shakers Siobhan and Lynsey.]
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