Oh, Conservatives. You're so adorable.

Well, all that "to the victor goes the spoils" bullshit that conservatives were warbling about when liberals had the unmitigated temerity to oppose President Mondo Fucko's nominees to the Court has predictably flown out the window, and now they're throwing ten tons of shit against the wall to see what will stick in a grand attempt to undermine Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court.

Our old friend Mike Huckabee was one of the first out of the gate, noting that "Maria Sotomayor" is a terrible choice for various stupid reasons. Sonia, Maria, whatever. Darn you, Latinas, for having different names and shit.

Glenn Beck is being, as per usual, a huge honking butthole.

Rush Limbaugh hopes she fails and reiterates his wish that Obama will fail, too.

Think Progress has more.

All I got is: lolsob.

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