"I think the word raped gets thrown around far too casually. You ever listen to a bunch of guys playing video games with each other online? It's like, 'Ah man you shot me in the back dude. You raped me dude!' I'm pretty sure if I talked to a woman who's been through that horrific situation and I said, 'What was it like, you know, being raped?' she's not gonna look at me and go, 'Have you ever played Halo?'"—Dane Cook, in his new comedy special "Isolated Incident."
The other night, I turned on the television and the channel was still tuned to Comedy Central from watching "The Colbert Report" the night before. "Isolated Incident" was airing, and in the maybe 6 seconds it took me to change the channel, Cook said something racist, xenophobic, and sexist.
And even he gets that casually throwing around the word rape is inappropriate.
Which means that anyone who doesn't is a bigger douche than Dane Cook.
(Who, btw, should maybe consider in future not making movies rife with date rape jokes if he's genuinely concerned about the gravity of rape being diminished by casual indifference.)
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