I don't even understand what's supposed to be funny about this. The whole joke is that he's black? Oh, my aching sides.
Nashville Is Talking asked Goforth about the email:
She confirmed she had sent it and also said she had received a letter of reprimand from her superiors but said she will stay on the job.And I thought Rusty DePass' apology was shitty.
When I asked her if she understood the controversial nature of the photo, Goforth would only say she felt very bad about accidentally sending it to the wrong list. When I gave her a second chance to address the controversial nature of the email, she again repeated that she only felt bad about sending it to the wrong list of people.
"I went on the wrong email and I inadvertently hit the wrong button," Goforth told NIT. "I'm very sick about it, and it's one of those things I can't change or take back."
Wonkette pretty well sums it up: "Yes, yes, Republicans must be careful not to hit the 'wrong button' when sending out the racist bullshit. Sadly, our liberal technology sector has yet to create a button that would only send your racist fuckwad idiocy to fellow mouth-breathing racist cretins who think there is NOTHING as funny as the idea of…people with dark complexions."
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