Smith added, "I want the American people to get the facts and then be allowed to make up their own minds, not be told what to think."Okay, Mr. Smith, I've got the facts, and I've made up my mind: you're an idiot.
Aside from the fact that there is an entire cable news channel dedicated to being the Granma of the RNC and you can't swing a cat -- dead or otherwise -- on a Sunday chat show without hitting Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, or one of the Cheneys, it's obvious that Mr. Smith has some pretty messed-up priorities as to what is really a threat to democracy. Not to mention the blistering irony of someone telling us that "being told what to think" is a bad thing, and then providing us with a laundry list of what he thinks the press should be telling us.
PS: My apologies to any idiot who might take exception to being compared to Rep. Smith.
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