Is it not possible that, while your administration is under fire (and deservedly so) from LGBTQI rights advocates, perhaps it was not the wisest idea to write a piece for Parade magazine for Fathers' Day that makes sweeping generalizations about fatherless families?
'Cuz, you know, even though it's awesome, seriously awesome, to have a president who can and will speak plainly about the consequences of fathers who abandon their families, and shirk their responsibilities, and aren't emotionally engaged in their children's lives, no less a president who can draw a pointed picture of how endemic paternal absence can devastate entire communities, it sucks eggs when he does it without taking one sentence to note that he's talking about families where fathers have left a hole, and not talking about two-parent families in which both parents have always been women, or two-parent families in which a father has become a mother (or a Maddy), or single-parent families with a single mother by choice and design.
I'm just sayin'.
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