War on Terror Training Domestic Terrorists

Salon has just published a big piece about white supremacists infiltrating the US military care of the increasingly lax regulations on extremism in the ranks, now that the military can't afford to be the slightest bit picky about who it takes. The article underlines one of the most worrisome aspects of white supremacists' military involvement and hints at a very ugly possible future in America when a bunch of highly-trained extremists comes home: "White supremacists may be doing more than avoiding expulsion. They may be using their military status to help build the white right."

This information is not new. In July 2006, the New York Times ran a significant piece on the exact same issue, after the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, warned that recruiting shortfalls had resulted in "large numbers of neo-Nazis and skinhead extremists" being accepted into the military. Three years ago, there was already news of Aryan Nations graffiti in Baghdad and evidence that white supremacist leaders were encouraging their members to enlist "to get training for a race war." Three years ago, the SPLC uncovered that a former Special Forces officer was serving as a "military unit coordinator" for the National Alliance, who were urging "skinheads to join the Army and insist on being assigned to light infantry units."
Light infantry is your branch of choice because the coming race war and the ethnic cleansing to follow will be very much an infantryman's war. It will be house-to-house, neighborhood-by-neighborhood until your town or city is cleared and the alien races are driven into the countryside where they can be hunted down and "cleansed." As a professional soldier, my goal is to fill the ranks of the United States Army with skinheads. As street brawlers, you will be useless in the coming race war. As trained infantrymen, you will join the ranks of the Aryan warrior brotherhood.
Which makes the final passage in the Salon article all the more gobsmacking:
The U.S. Senate Committee on the Armed Forces has long been considered one of Congress' most powerful groups. It governs legislation affecting the Pentagon, defense budget, military strategies and operations. Today it is led by the influential Sens. Carl Levin and John McCain. An investigation by the committee into how white supremacists permeate the military in plain violation of U.S. law could result in substantive changes. I contacted the committee but staffers would not agree to be interviewed. Instead, a spokesperson responded that white supremacy in the military has never arisen as a concern. In an e-mail, the spokesperson said, "The Committee doesn't have any information that would indicate this is a particular problem."

Only in America could we have a black president presiding over two racist wars being used by white supremacists to train for a domestic race war, all of which started with a terrorist attack that included among its devastation the complete erasure from the national memory of another terrorist attack committed by an extremist military veteran.

Maude help us all.

[H/T to Shakers Anil and Reedme.]

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