Well, when you're Michelle Malkin, you go into full-on deny and misdirect mode and villify "the Left," of course, under the guise of a plea for "decency." Of course, she scolds people for making "political points" while making a political point without a trace of irony, but I suppose that just gives me more proof that irony is completely dead.
Unfortunately, some are not content to leave it at that for now. They fail to respect that there is a proper time and place to indulge in political battle.I don't know about you, but I think it's time for some "unhinged" discourse; it's about time these acts are labeled "terrorism." It's about time we started calling people like Malkin out for reprehensible shit like putting "hate" in scare quotes. It's about time sentiment like "both sides are just as bad" is dismissed as the lie that it is.
You can go here, here, and here for all that. Another round-up here.
Tiller's family is grieving. Those who have jumped to score political points before Tiller is even buried are no better than the Phelps family thugs of the "Westboro Baptist Church" who respect no bounds of civility.
Unfortunately, it's too much to ask the cable news networks and hyper-partisan snipers on the Internet to have the decency to restrain themselves.
Prepare for a wall-to-wall onslaught of gleeful finger-pointing on the Left and heated responses on the Right.
Prepare for whitewashed hagiographies of Tiller's career as an abortionist.
Prepare for DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's defenders to gloat about vindication.
Prepare for collective demonization of pro-lifers and Christians — and more gratuitous attempts to tar talk radio, Fox News, and the Tea Party movement as responsible for the heinous crime.
Prepare for the continuing redefinition of any and all sharp political disagreement as "hate" — a ruinous trend that inevitably comes back to haunt the hysterical accusers decrying "hate" the loudest.
How unhinged has the discourse gotten already? Here's the left-wing Daily Kos going after the left-wing John Aravosis for going after Barack Obama because he didn't go after "right-wing extremism" hard enough.
The DHS report was, of course, correct. The media let "conservatives" shout it down. Their foot-stomping resulted in it being pulled. And now Dr. George Tiller is dead.
How are those "Right-Wing Extremist" t-shirts selling, you fucking assholes?
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