This is, for those who have asked for it, your monthly reminder to donate to Shakesville. I know there are people who resent these reminders, but there are also people who appreciate them, so I've now taken to doing them every other month, in the hopes that will make a good compromise.
As I've said before, asking for donations is difficult for me, partly because I've got an innate aversion to asking for anything, and partly because these threads are frequently critical and stressful. But it's also one of the most feminist acts I do here.
So. Here's the reminder.
I also want say thank you, so very much, to each of you who donates or has donated, whether monthly or as a one-off. I am profoundly grateful—and I don't take a single cent for granted. I've not the words to express the depth of my appreciation, besides these: This community couldn't exist without that support, truly. Thank you.
On a related note: Earlier this week, I terminated Shakesville's relationship with BlogAds after another automatic overnight approval resulted in an ad for a sex toy shop that featured a sexualized and disembodied female foot, with which I had a problem for obvious reasons. My apologies to anyone who may have seen it and assumed because of its appearance in this space that the advertising policy had changed.
So, because of the recurring problems from BlogAds' overnight approval policy, and in addition to the advertising issues detailed here, this blog is now totally ad-free—and will remain so unless and until I can accommodate advertising without compromising the tenets of the safe space.
Thanks again for everything, Shakers.
Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.
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