Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Pat Buchanan, Michelle Malkin, Michael Savage, and Rush Limbaugh might be the best-known peddlers of incendiary and/or eliminationist rhetoric on the block, but their shtick is catching on throughout the mainstream conservative movement—which should be no surprise at all since normalizing extremism is the raison d'ĂȘtre for these soulless shills (i.e. transmitters) in the first place.
Most recently, we've seen Pat Buchanan "joke" openly about killing Levi Johnston, and Joe the Plumber "joke" openly about killing Senator Chris Dodd.
Yesterday, retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters went on Fox News to say he hopes suggest a US soldier captured by the Taliban will just be killed if he was captured after deserting his post—which Michelle Malkin, who once wrote a book titled Unhinged about the left wing, favorably reposted as "tough words."
Insert your own "Culture of Life" joke here.
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