A bunch of Shakers have sent me the link to this thread [trigger warning] about men and rape prevention and men's role in the rape culture. I've been sitting on it, trying to figure out what to do with it exactly, but the truth is, you really just need to go there and start reading. Thanks to everyone who sent it.
Shaker Hayley forwards Walking Woman with the simple note: "Love it." Me, too.
Shaker roro80 emails this link with the note: "If you didn't catch Rachel Maddow last night as she thoroughly slammed our favorite racist Pat Buchanan simply by fact checking his entire argument on last week's 'this country was built by white men' discussion, I highly recommend it. My fellow and I were on our feet clapping by the end." It's great stuff. In fact, it's the perfect argument for why he doesn't belong on her show. Ever. Again.
Shaker Siobhan sends this link with the note: "Did the New York Times actually admit that the testimony given yesterday, where Barofsky said the bailout could cost 23 TRILLION dollars, was based on an estimate that assumed every American lay down and stopped working, California was hit by the 'Big One' and slid into the ocean, and a meteor struck Florida? They didn't just repeat the ludicrous $23T number ad nauseum? I'm scared this may be a sign of the end times." lolsob
Shaker Daniel, at his girlfriend's suggestion, forwards this hot mess for our consideration: "Coding Horror, a blog about computer programming, recently posted this article about how the online game Evony has taken internet advertising to its worst conclusion." It's beyond Assvertising. I'm not even going to say anything else. Just go look. *clunk*
Shaker JMonkey sends the link to this video with the note: "I saw this Sesame Street musical number with Neil Patrick Harris as the shoe fairy and, of course, thought of you. Fantastic!!" I can't even tell you how utterly, unreasonably happy it makes me that Neil Patrick Harris + shoez = email Liss. Rock!
Shaker Elayne, who recalled that I'm a trichotillomaniac (compulsive hair-puller), forwards this article about a potential new treatment for trichs. I love this quote from a trich in the article: "Basically my fingers would search for a texture, a certain type of hair, when I found it, I would pull it out. I would feel like I had found gold." LOL. That's totes me. I call them "my weird hairs."
Shaker Ginmar emails me about this gobsmacking story in which [trigger warning] the prosecutor refused "to prosecute the rape of a seventeen-year-old girl but did show the pictures of the assault to the families of the perpetrators and the witnesses. His excuse? There was alcohol involved."
Shaker InfamousQBert sends this piece at Feministing by SaraLaffs, which is a good reminder for any woman at any time about owning her time and space.
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