From the You've Got to Be Shitting Me Files

[Trigger warning.]

Shaker Kathy emailed me a heads-up about the gobsmacking story of William David Webb, a youth minister in Birmingham, Alabama, who has pleaded guilty to transporting a 15-year-old girl (yes, one of his parishioners) across state lines for the purposes of sexual activity, or, as The Birmingham News (or possibly just reports it: "Former Word of Life youth minister sentenced after pleading guilty to teen sex."

Guilty of "teen sex." As if, perhaps, he was guilty of fumblefucking in the backseat of his dad's car, as opposed to raping an underage girl. (The age of consent in both Alabama and Oklahoma is 16.)

And check this out:
The defendant's wife of nearly 13 years, Tara Webb, submitted a letter to the court saying she became aware of her husband's relationship with the victim in August 2007. "He immediately repented and asked my forgiveness," her letter said. Mrs. Webb said she went to the victim, who worked for her as a volunteer in the church audio department. "She apologized to me and I forgave her," Mrs. Webb wrote. "I encouraged her and told her to not let it hold her back but to pursue her dreams."
Well. Isn't it so very Christian of the good Mrs. Webb to forgive the teenager her husband raped?

Just like Jesus taught.

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