lol your post-racist country

Recommended Reading: Jesse Taylor's "Post-Racial My Black Ass."
Somehow, when conversations like this happen, when a young black man is called "nigger" by a teacher or when he doesn't receive a callback because his name is Delonte or, as I also saw this weekend, a white woman sees a pitcher in a black family's apartment and says, "That's where he drank his Kool-Aid!", it is never ever asked, "What happened to Barack Obama's post-racial America?"

Yet when a black person says things like these are racist, or even just stupid, he is accused of undermining "post-racialism". You're a racial "grievance monger"...

..."Post-racial" was a catchall for the same litany of Things Black People Should Stop Doing, which include alleging racism, being victims of racism and thinking about ways in which people could be racist.

Post-racialism is already supposed to be on at least version 2.0. Of course, whatever version we're on, the only thing post-racialism is supposed to prevent is white people being called racist.
Read the whole thing.

Last night, Iain and Kenny Blogginz and I were talking about our frustration with the media going after Obama, or doing their usual passive-aggressive "we're just reporting!" about people going after Obama, for his comments about Henry Gates' arrest, our consternation with the utter absurdity that there are Americans who (claim to) find remotely controversial the statement: "There is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by police disproportionately. That's just a fact."

(A fact—and a subject worthy of a national conversation—irrespective of whether racism was actually at play in Gates' arrest or not, by the way.)

I noted, once again, the irony how it's never white people doing racist things, or other white people subsequently denying even the possibility of racism inherent to those things, that are called the race-baiters, but instead the people of color who call that shit out. It's always people of color and their gosh darn insistence on talking about racism who are accused of preventing racial unity, not the white people who engage in racism.

Thus, the narrative becomes that Obama, by talking about the history of police racism, is a bigger threat to racial unity than the actual police who practice and perpetuate institutional racism.

KBlogz, always with the devastatingly witty insight, suggested wryly: "The media should go burn a cross on the White House lawn to remind Obama that racism is over."


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