Actually, she was claiming we were nerds while I countered that I've never worn a wizard hat. As per usual, the conversation degraded to the point where she pulled her trump card, threatening to Photoshop me into a compromising position with a house plant. (It's a long story.) We giggled over this a while, because we've both the maturity level of a couple of ten year olds, and after a time we were a little relieved (and strangely disappointed) that she wasn't going to make good on her threat.
At this point it was decided the only thing that could "salve Liss' soul" was gazing upon the Xanadouche. Its restorative powers are amazing, in case you didn't know.
Inspired as she was by Xanadouche, she lit upon a new and groundbreaking idea: Photoshopping me into a new movie poster every week. Pure genius.
And with that, allow me to present the first installment in that series.
p.s. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
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