Pondering books…

A bitch just read this article about a proposal from the Democratic Leadership Council to move from textbooks toward e-books and…well, it made a bitch sad.

I happen to enjoy the hell out of books…I adore books…shit, I am currently sitting in my couch-based area surrounded by books!

Yes, they weigh more than an electronic pocket tool…but a bitch even enjoys the weight of books.

There’s something about the texture of paper…the sensation of flipping through page after page to reveal the story within. A bitch has fond memories of weekend visits to my local library where I’d stock up on biographies, histories and trashy novels…and when I returned home I’d settle into bed for hours of fantabulous reading.

Gawd, those were the days.

I can’t imagine snuggling down with an e-book. Does one spread e-books out on the kitchen table to do homework? And there won’t be any coffee stains on the pages of e-books to remind a bitch what my ass was drinking the last time I read [insert novel title here]!


Anyhoo, the Democratic Leadership Council is saying that e-books will save money and open up a discussion for online media in classrooms and blah, blah and another blah.

Fuck it…if e-books are the future of books this bitch won’t be able to stop that shit.

But I’m not feeling it and I’m already nostalgic for days spent thumbing through a printed thing as imagination kicked in and characters jumped off the page to become real…or a fork full of spaghetti plopped onto the page leaving a stain on a page I’d find months or years later when re-reading...or a turn of the page would reveal a phone number written next to the page number that a bitch can't connect to anyone I fucking know.


Something tells me this transition will be far more painful than the death of record albums and themed mix tapes recorded off the radio.

Cross posted from AngryBlackBitch.com...

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