We've done this one before, but it was almost a year ago now, and we have lots of new Shakers since then; originally suggested by Shaker Redlady50...
Is there a story behind your screen name? Why did you choose your particular handle?
My handle now is just my name, of course, but I chose Shakespeare's Sister (which used to be my pseudonym as well as the blog's name) because it's the name of a great Smiths' song containing the bleeding-heart blog-perfect line: "I thought that if you had an acoustic guitar, it meant that you were a protest singer. I can smile about it now, but at the time it was terrible." (You can't get too self-important with that line on your mind.)
And there was the added layer of profound import that Mozza had nicked the term from Virginia Woolf's essay A Room of One's Own about female writers and their need for their own spaces. It was, after all, in part because I longed for a blog without rampant misogyny in the comments threads, but couldn't find one, that I started this blog in the first place and do my best to maintain it as a safe space. So, even as Melissa McEwan, I am (still) Shakespeare's Sister.
Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.
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