"According to a story on Thursday in the Washington Post, you stated that the failure to notify the congressional intelligence committees about a program recently cancelled by CIA Director Leon Panetta did not violate the law. I disagree and believe that the program in question fit squarely within the notification requirements of the National Security Act. I therefore request that you provide me with your analysis, and any analysis by the DNI General Counsel, supporting your conclusion."—My totes boyfriend and Democratic Senator from Wisconsin Russ Feingold, who is directly challenging the White House on their contention that the secret, controversial CIA program revealed last week is legal.
Feingold has sent "a terse, toughly-worded letter" to Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, "faulting him for saying it was legal for Congress to launch the secret program without telling Congress, and demanding that he account for the claim." This puts President Obama in a position best described as awwwwwkwaaaaard!
Feingold doesn't give a shit. Which is what makes him awesome.
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