
This is the trailer for the awesome new show on Lifetime, "Drop Dead Diva," in which an insipid but totes hot! model and a smart but totes fat! lawyer both die, and the model's personality gets transferred, via "divine intervention" into the lawyer's body. What luck!—the model also gets the lawyer's "brains," but, mysteriously, her personality, which is somehow entirely separate from her intellect, apparently is gone, leaving all kinds of room for the shallow beauty to inhabit.

Of course it is the worst. curse. evah. to still be alive but stuck in a ZOMG SIZE 16 body.

Don't worry, Shakers. I'm sure she'll learn lots of good lessons, thanks to the BORING FATTY donating her HORRIBLE FAT BODY to this delightful experiment and vacating the premises, because it's more important for pretty girls to learn lessons that Aesop's Fables apparently never taught them than for fat girls to live.

Or something.

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