As an aside, a many years ago my boyfriend and I planned a trip to the Stanley Hotel, the real life inspiration for the story's Overlook Hotel. He dumped me before that ever happened.
...Starring Deeky!
As promised, Liss has come up with another movie poster doctored to present me as the star, a sort-of alternate universe where movies are a little less sucky, or maybe a little moreso, depending on your preference. Here's me, as Jack Nicholson, with an alarmingly large forehead.
As an aside, a many years ago my boyfriend and I planned a trip to the Stanley Hotel, the real life inspiration for the story's Overlook Hotel. He dumped me before that ever happened.
As an aside, a many years ago my boyfriend and I planned a trip to the Stanley Hotel, the real life inspiration for the story's Overlook Hotel. He dumped me before that ever happened.
Starring Deeky
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