Years ago, I had a subscription to The New Republic.
After various articles in a series of issues caused me to fling the magazine across the room in a disgusted fit of pique, I canceled it.
For a long time, they kept sending it to me, even though I wasn't paying for it. They would send me renewal notices, which I would promptly throw in the trash. They called me with offers enticing me to resubscribe, which I continually declined.
And as long as Marty Peretz is writing fetid dogshite like "Christian Believers Would Be Excluded From Government If The Left Liberals Had Their Way," I can't say it's likely that I will ever feel remotely inclined to change my mind.
Btw, Marty—are those the same "Left Liberals" who worked like demons to elect our current Christian president, who's just as Christiany (even if it's a different flavor) as the last guy, and who relentlessly panders to Christians by hanging out with Rick Warren, making announcements about the Christian congregation his family has joined, couching reproductive rights rhetoric in churchspeak ("between a woman and her pastor"), and refusing to take a stand on DADT, marriage equality, or full federal benefits for same-sex partners? And/or worked like demons to elect any one of his Democratic challengers, every last one of whom is Christian?
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