Today in Fat-Hatin'

Shakers Azzy and roro80 both sent me a report (pdf) published in June that found: "More than 40% of physicians had a negative reaction toward obese patients."

Says Azzy (who I quote with permission): "Wow! 40+% of doctors react negatively to obese patients. Ya don't say!! I guess that explains why my doctor kept diagnosing me as 'fat.' 'Fat.' 'Depressed.' I'm depressed? But. Other than physical illness, I'm happy. How can I be depressed? 'Because you're fat. Duh!' Oh. Except I actually had cancer. Of the thyroid. Which had metastasized to my lymphatic system. OOPS!!"


And Shaker Jean forwarded this article from The Onion's AV Club which shockingly posits that all the "plus-sized" reality TV we're getting these days doesn't have anything to do with increased positivity toward (or even tolerance of) fatty-boom-balatties, but is in fact (hold onto your seats!) because Americans enjoy watching fat people be humiliated.

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